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Welcome to the Creators Portal!
The steps listed for each work must be completed to exhibit your work at the festival. As you progress, each step will show a check mark indicating it is complete.
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Basic Information
Extended Information
Media Assets
Image Assets
Additional Information


If you have a contractual obligation that would preclude you from screening online, please opt out of the online screening. Viewers must login in order to watch your work, they do not have access to download the work, and we do offer the ability to geo-block based on country, continent, or geographic region.

Once you specify a permission, you will have to contact us if you need to change that permission.
Fields with an orange asterisk * are required.

The following is the core information we need for every film or series. Though it comes from FilmFreeway, please be careful and check the spelling, punctuation, and length.
Fields with an orange asterisk * are required.


We performed an initial automated translation of the information you provided for all languages supported by the festival. Please review those automated translations for errors and correct them where needed.

If you made changes to the original text and would like a new automated translation, clear out the field you changed. Clearing out a field always forces a new machine translation. Please be sure to review the machine translation when it is done.

This section asks for all the extra information about your show like genres and content warnings.
Fields with an orange asterisk * are required.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

This section asks for the key image assets necessary for presentation in the online screening catalog. Hover over the question mark icon to get information on exact specifications.
Fields with an orange asterisk * are required.

Landscape Poster

Dimensions: 1920 x 1080 72dpi
Valid File Types: JPG, PNG, WebP

Portrait Poster

Dimensions: 508 x 752 72dpi
Valid File Types: JPG, PNG, WebP

Dimensions: Any
Valid File Types: PNG, WebP (transparent background)

Square Poster

Dimensions: 1000 x 1000 72dpi
Valid File Types: JPG, PNG, WebP

Anything else we need to know is packaged together in this section. As always look for fields marked with an asterisk (*), because those fields are required before we consider the form complete.

Fields with an orange asterisk * are required.

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Team Management

You may add/remove members from your team who will have access to update information on this film/series as well as download laurels and other festival information.

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  • Family Name
  • Given Name
  • Email
  • Director
  • Accountant
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Geo Blocking Rules

We ask you not to set any geo-blocking rules unless you have contractual obligations that require them. This section lets you manage any necessary rules.

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Laurel Gallery

The Laurel Gallery contains all laurels associated with this film/series, including all publicly announced nominations and awards.

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Social Media

Our primary promotional vehicle is social media and we want to make sure that we are tagging you and linking to your social media whenever possible. Don't forget to tag us as well!

Enter the code below into your set top device to associate it with your account.

Select a Language

LanguageStart typing the name of the language you want to select in the box. You can type the name of that language in any language.
CountryLanguages vary slightly from country-to-country. Identify the country representing the dialect of the language you are selecting.

Recipients This is the list of people who will be sent your message.
Subject The subject of your message.
Message The main content of your message.

Closed or open captions?

Open or ClosedWhat type of captions do you have for this language? Open captions are captions that are embedded in the video stream. Closed captions, on the other hand, are included in a separate file that you will upload.

Invite a Team Member

Invite members of your team so they can help you manage projects for this studio. Team members have full access to manage this studio and any projects associated with the studio. You should therefore invite only people you trust.

Rule Details


Upload Video

Welcome to our 12th Edition

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