Group of shorts on the subject of Climate Change and Sustainability.
This 15-minute documentary spotlights the efforts of urban farmers Arthur and Nancy Culbert whose mission is to eliminate hunger within their own community by growing organic produce. They partner with a neighborhood school giving students the opportunity to plant and harvest vegetables and fruit for those in need.
The fate of our species is highly dependent on what we do to the earth which feeds us. Our soil is being rapidly depleted by conventional farming practices, which in addition to being harmful to the soil are poisoning us with the chemicals that are used as fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides.
Just about everything we own is delivered by trucks. Truck drivers, once known as the mavericks of the open road, are facing changing working conditions, new privacy regulations, and new forms of monitoring, with the rise of artificial intelligence and the speed of the Amazon economy. The less visible artificial intelligence is built into the cabs of the 1.8 million long haul truck drivers in the US, a clear example of human-machine coalescence.
One the nation’s most critical health laws, the Clean Air Act, with current day stories of environmental injustice and community action, weaves historical milestones. Nearly half of all Americans still live in areas with unhealthy levels of air pollution, particularly those in poorer communities. Asthma is the number one health issue for children in the U.S today.
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