A group of shorts on the subject of Human Trafficking, the invisible crime that happens every day at our doorsteps.
This is the story of a young prostitute robbed and thrown out of the car. She is talking on her phone. Her pimp is threatening her, he wants money! The road is desolate. An orange scheduled bus comes from far away. She gets on the bus. It is an inner journey, and the bus represents her inner self. Italian with English subtitles.
Through emotional interviews and visual storytelling, the film offers a look at an often misinterpreted topic. Kristy Childs is a former sex worker and works alongside Lucy, a survivor. Tatyana is a former victim of sex trafficking and helps survivors. Alice and Imogen are both active sex workers, Alice being the highest-paid prostitute in the United States.
A young woman returns home from abroad after several years to confront the trauma of sexual assault from her past.The silent witnesses of her trauma still live with the old lies. Are they brave enough for the truth? .
Unhoused and formerly unhoused Black women and girls speak on Black women's intersectional experiences with homelessness, misogynoir, colorism, foster care, sexual and domestic abuse, trafficking and educational disruption. Featuring Skid Row poet and feminist activist Suzette Shaw.
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