Youth and Children are the future andyet, they also are the ones who suffer most at times of disaster and war...
Two adults who grew up in the slums of Delhi strive to give new wings to the kids bounded by the shackles of poverty, drugs, and society. Hindi with English subtitles.
New York City is the largest and most ethnically diverse metropolis in the United States yet its public schools remain among the nation’s most racially segregated. Fed up with the status quo, teenage activists and best friends Alex and Marcus lead a movement to integrate the city's high schools demanding social change while interrogating the society that puts them in the position of having to do so.
K. Gene Simmonds, a high school music teacher, started the Southern California Youth Chorale in 1965, at the height of the hippie zeitgeist not only to bring Americana music to other countries but, also, to expose his students to other cultures and languages. The Southern California Youth Chorale traveled to 27 different countries on four continents over a twelve-year period enriching lives, building lifetime friendships and memories.
The stress of war is so severe and prolonged, it can become toxic. Scientists and humanitarians work to provide hope in what can seem like a pretty hopeless world. Syrian families raise their children in the face of unimaginable violence and oppression, their past defined by terror, their future driven by hope. Neurological and behavioral teams from Harvard, Yale and Hashemite University; young researchers and humanitarian volunteers put science to work for the oppressed and vulnerable.
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